为进一步加强数字中国建设,展示福州当地文化特色,彰显福州独特魅力 ,扩大福州在国内外的影响力 ,努力打造具有丰富文化内涵、浓郁地方特色的文化品牌。福州市人民政府与福建省住房和城乡建设厅共同举办2018福州滨海新城雕塑征集活动,现面向国内外征集参展作品。
一、 组织机构
雕塑主题应突出 “ 福州长乐文化传承,滨海新城时代特征 ”,选 取以下几个方面的某一个点进行构思创作。
1、 “ 郑和开洋 ” 催生出的海丝文化。福州自古与海结缘,从先人的临海而居、耕海牧渔,到 郑和船队从长乐七下西洋,开启海丝之路、 通商之旅,直至开办船政、师夷长技 , 培养和造就了一批优秀的中近代工业技术人才和杰出的海军将士 ,向世界展示了福州人的骨 气、 智慧和力量。
2、 “ 拓荒济世 ” 涵养出的农垦文明。陈振龙 “ 一 粒番薯救半个中国 ” 农耕佳话和 “ 一日不作、一日不食 ” 的农禅思想 ,是福州地区农耕文明的集中体现。在福州滨海新城核心区所在地文武砂镇 ,同样有着筑 堤建间、围海造田 、 改造家园的农垦传统,这 些“ 拓荒济世 ” 的壮举无不体现了中华农耕文明的源远流长。
3、 “ 砥砺德成 ” 传承出的拼搏基因。“凤岗二刘,砥砺德成 ”,讲述的是朱熹弟子刘砥刘砺的故事,却也是今天不忘初心、砥砺前行时代精神的历史写照。这种精神在长乐先贤中枚不胜举,如三国时期神医董奉“ 杏林春暖 ” 、柯尚 迁发明珠算,再到长乐工业从“ 草根 ” 长成 “ 大树 ”,拼搏 基因在长乐人的血脉中流淌至今,从未缺失。
4、 “ 开放包容 ” 铸就出的福州精神。林则徐的 “ 海纳 百川,有容乃大”很好地诠释了福州包容、开拓、革新、开放的城市精神,也赋予了福州人广阔的胸襟。从“ 睁眼看世界 ” 第一人的林则徐到 “ 百部虞初救世心 ” 的严复、林纾,从中“ 船政之父 ” 沈葆桢,到 “ 有了爱就有了一切 ” 的 冰心⋯⋯ ,开放与包容不仅成就了福州的过往,也将书写福州的未来。
5、 “ 数字经济 ” 激发出的创新活力。“ 东进南下,福州向海 ”,乘着“ 数字福船 ” , 福州滨海新城正站在时代的潮头,依托网龙网络公司、数字福建云计算中心等大数据机构,集 VR体验、游戏动漫、文化传播、教育服务为一体 , 一座智慧、创新、时尚、生态的滨海新城将站在云端。
作品件数:拟 公开征集100件雕塑方案入围作品,再从100件入围作品小样中评选出50件优秀作品。
作品出版:所有入围作品将结集出版《2018 中国· 福州国际雕塑艺术展作品集》。四、 作品征集
作品类型 :户外雕塑、景观装置艺术品 。
作品尺度 :体量控制在2-5米 ,具体尺寸可根据周边环境条件和制作成本作适当调整。
征稿范围 :具有雕塑创作能力的专业艺术工作者及爱好者 ,均可以个人或集体的方式参与 ,不限国别、民族、年龄、性别。
五、 作品评选及荣誉奖励
(一 )评选流程
1、 入围作品 。第一轮为纸质稿件评选 ,由雕塑界及相关领域的专 家、省市直部门领导组成专家评审小组(实际人数 9名),对征稿作品的平面方案进行严格筛选,采取不记名投票方式 ,按得票数确定前100件入围作品的推荐名单。
承办单位拟于2018年10月正式对外公示2018中国福州国际雕塑艺术展100件入围作品 (公示期为7天 ),接受社会各界监督。
承办单位将根据公示情况 ,最终确定入围作品名单。
承办单位将正式通知获奖作者 ,并要求制作成80CM左右作品定稿小样(作品定稿小样不宜使用易碎易损材质 );
2、 优秀作品 。第二轮为作品定稿小样评审 ,从100件入围作品小样中评选出50件优 秀作品并进行公示 (公示期为 7天 )。
(二 )荣誉奖励
50件优秀作品奖励费:6万/件来 50件=300万元 (含作品定稿小样制作费)
50件入围作品奖励费:1万/件卡 50件=50万元(含作品定稿小样制作费 )
获奖雕塑家、机构和组织将获得由福州市人民政府颁发的荣誉证书 ,作品及小样 将永久收藏于福州市。
应征者在应征过程中发生的一切费用 ,以及获奖者所获奖金、补贴等的税金均自行承担。
五、 作品加工制作
1、 成品雕塑作品以送展方式为主 ,即成品的加工制作、运输由雕塑家本人负责 ,承办单位与其商定价格 ,签订合同 ,要求其在规定时间内完成所有工作并运输到指定地点 。 作品的基座(含基础)部分由新区集团负责完 成。
2、 国外雕塑家如无法送展或无法就雕塑价格达成一致 , 将进一步 就雕塑厂进 行 询 价并邀请雕塑家进行现场制作 (费用 :每件作品追加1万元补助 )。
本次雕塑艺术展的承办单位及其 授 权单 位有权永久使用本次雕塑艺术展的获奖 作品进行宣传推广。本次雕塑艺术展的入围作品的著作权与成品的所有权归本次雕塑艺术展的承办单位所有,除按本征集启事条款约定支付奖金,承办单位不再向获奖者支付报酬或对价等其它款项。
借助滨海新城建设的有利契机,作为配套的重要文化主题活动,加 强与“ 数字中国 ” 的紧密联系,进一步提高活动的影响力和吸引力,建议2019年 3月15日前完成成品落地安装。
具体日程安排如下 :
2018年 7月 26日 发布征集公告(60天 )
2018年8月30日 报名截止
2018年9月17日 前提交第一轮平面设计作品方案
2018年9月27日 初评,选出第一轮入围的100件雕塑作品并公示(7个工作日 )
2018年12月3日 前提交第二轮作品小样 (以收件时间为准 )
2018年12月18日 终评 ,从100件入围定稿小样作品中评选出50件优秀作品并公示(7个 工作日 )
2018年 12月 30日 前确定获奖名单
2019年 1月 10前 签订雕塑设计及制作合同
2019年 3月 1日 前完成成品 制作
2019年 3月 15日 前完成成品落地安装及场地布置
七、 报名及征集文件的获取
凡有意参加投标者 ,请于2018年 7月27日8时30分至2018年8月30日17时00分 (北京时间 ,法定节假日除外)到本项目专项会务组以记名方式获取征集文件 ;
投标人获取征集文件时须提 供作者承诺书 (附件1)和报名登记表(附件2),报名成功后您将收到电子版报名执函。
福建省以外的投标人 ,如确有不便到现场领取征集文件的 ,可以将作者承诺书(附件1)和报名登 记表(附件2)邮寄至本项目专项会务组 ,报名成功后您将收到电子版报。
八、文件提交要求 初选递交作品文稿由 纸质文件和电子文件两部分组成。
1.纸 质文件:设计效果图或作品彩色照片,每件应配正面、背面及两侧等不同视角的图片4张,统 一用A4纸 彩 色打印并注明作品名称和创意说明,计量单位用厘米(cm) 标注,不 装裱、不装订。为评选公正,所有作品正面均不得标注作者姓名、单位及其标识等信息。组装作品要有清楚明了的安装图。
2.电子文件:作品电子版图片或照片不小于4M。 本次参展所需提交的文件,以及任何发送至工作组指定邮箱的各种信息及资料,都必须使用中文或英语;如同时使用两种语言的,则以中文为准;如仅使用英文的,则以工作组指定翻译机构的中文翻译为准。 具体文件提交要求详见征集文件。
九、 联系方式 (一 )
(上 午9:00-12:00, 下 午:15:00-18:00)
(二 )邮寄或快递
作品信息登记表格及作品稿件收件 :
收件人:王 斯 妤 +86(0591)83924814
(三 )电 子邮箱:fzbhxcdsz@163.com
附 件:1.作者承诺书
附件1: (编号: )
第一条 承诺人承诺应征作品是由其独立完成或参与创作的,且未在任何户外场地建设;承诺人对参加本次提交的应征作品拥有充分的、完整的知识产权,是应征作品的合法权利人,不会侵犯任何其他人的合法权益。否则,一经发现,承办单位有权取消其参展资格,作品已经入围或获奖的,有权取消其入围与获奖资格,追回已经发放或支付的奖金、补贴等一切款项。
第二条 如承诺人是法人或其他组织的,承诺已经通过合同、协议或规章制度等安排,与应征作品的原创作者就作品的知识产权归属达成一致意见,获得应征作品的完整知识产权。
第三条 如应征作品是承诺人与他人共同创作的,承诺已经通过合同、协议等安排,与应征作品的其他创作人就作品的知识产权归属达成一致意见,获得应征作品的完整知识产权;但如所有创作人共同参与应征的除外,在此情形下,全体创作人应共同签署本承诺书。
第四条 如应征作品今后成为本次雕塑艺术展入围作品的,承诺人同意不可撤销地授权本次雕塑艺术展的承办单位永久享有使用应征作品进行宣传、推广等权利,包括但不限于采用图片、文字、报纸、电视、网络等各种方式。如应征作品今后获得本次雕塑艺术展入围作品的,承诺人同意在保留作品署名权的前提下,将作品的著作权及其成品的所有权无偿转让给本次雕塑艺术展的承办单位,承办单位可根据实际需要分批落成成品雕塑作品。未经承办单位同意,承诺人不得将应征作品用于其它征集活动,不得在其他任何场所建造、复制应征作品。
第五条 如由于承诺人参与本次征集活动、提交的应征作品(无论承诺人有无过错)而导致本次征集活动的主办单位及承办单位遭受任何名誉、声誉或经济上的直接或间接的损失,则受到影响的相关单位均有权要求承诺人采取足够而适当的措施以保证其免受上述影响。承诺人应赔偿相关单位因此而遭受的任何名誉、声誉或经济上的直接和间接的损失,其方式包括但不限于承担相关单位因此而产生的包括律师费、诉讼费、赔偿费用等在内的所有直接或间接损失,并应公开登报向相关单位赔礼道歉、消除影响等。
第六条 如果承诺人应邀制作立体雕塑定稿小样,自该小样递交之日起,承办单位拥有该小样的所有权。
第七条 与本次活动有关的一切争议均适用中华人民共和国相关法律,争议无法协商解决时,向承办单位住所地有管辖权的人民法院起诉解决。承办单位对本次征集活动拥有最终解释权。
第八条 本承诺书自承诺人签字或盖章之日起生效。
编号: (此项由工作小组办公室填写) | |||||||||||||||||
姓名 | 性别 | 民族 | 职称 | 本人近照 (请将照片电子版文件单独附到邮件资料中) | |||||||||||||
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材质 | 设计尺寸(CM) | ||||||||||||||||
证件类型(请选择) □身份证 □护照 □军官证 □其他: 号码: | |||||||||||||||||
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电话、传真: (包括国家(或地区)及城市区号) | 手机: | ||||||||||||||||
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放大加工工艺要求、相关数据和落成环境要求: | |||||||||||||||||
个人简历: 内容要求:出生年月、学历、现工作所在地以及主要艺术活动信息(包括获奖荣誉) (请按要求将整理过的简历电子版单独附到报名邮件资料中) | |||||||||||||||||
填报说明: 1、应征人填报信息真实有效,其应征作品未侵害他人的知识产权。应征人尊重“2018福州滨海新城雕塑作品征集项目”征稿启示相关细则及有关规定。 签 名: 填报日期: |
2018 Fuzhou Binhai New City Sculpture Collection Announcement
To further strengthen the construction of digital China, display Fuzhou's local cultural characteristics, reveal Fuzhou's unique charm, expand Fuzhou's influence at home and abroad, and strive to create a cultural brand with rich cultural connotation and strong local characteristics, Fuzhou government and Fujian Housing and Urban-rural Construction Department jointly organized the 2018 Fuzhou Binhai New City Sculpture Collection Project which is now collecting exhibition works at home and abroad.
I. Organizational structure
Organizer: Fuzhou government and Fujian Housing and Urban-rural Construction Department
Undertaker: Fuzhou New District Development Investment Group Co., Ltd.
II. Theme of activities
The sculpture theme should highlight "heritage of Fuzhou Changle culture and the era characteristics of Binhai New City ". One of the following aspects is selected for design and creation.
1. The Maritime Silk Road culture originating from "Zheng He's Expedition". Fuzhou has been linked with the sea since ancient times. From the ancestors' living and farming by the sea to Zheng He's fleet sailing from Changle to the west for seven times to start the sea silk road and trade trip and to starting the ship administration and learning from foreign countries to train and cultivate a group of outstanding modern Chinese industrial and technical personnel and outstanding navy soldiers, Fuzhou people's moral integrity, wisdom and strength are demonstrated to the world.
2. Farming civilization rooted in the thought of "pioneering and saving the world" cultivated land reclamation civilization. Chen Zhenlong's excellent farming story of "sweet potatoes saving half of China" and his Zen thought of "no work and no food" based on farming are the concentrated embodiment of Fuzhou's farming civilization. Wenwusha Town, located in the core area of Fuzhou Binhai New City, also has a land reclamation tradition of building dikes and gates, reclaiming land from the sea and nature transformation. These practices of "pioneering and saving the world" all reflect the long history of Chinese agricultural civilization.
3. The fighting spirit inherited from "hardening oneself by self-discipline". The story of "Liudi and Liuli, from Fenggang Town, hardening themselves by self-discipline" not only tells the story of Liudi and Liuli, the disciples of Zhu Xi, but also is a historical portrayal of China’s unremitting efforts on forging ahead. This kind of spirit can be found among numerous wise men from Changle. From the highly skilled doctor Dong Feng’s “excellent medical skills” during the Three Kingdoms Period to Ke Shangqian’s invention of abacus calculation and Changle industry’s growth from "grass root" to "big tree", the fighting spirit has been inherited by the Changle people so far and has never been missing.
4. Fuzhou spirit forged by "openness and tolerance". Lin Zexu's "all rivers running into the sea and tolerance brining respect" not only well explains Fuzhou's tolerant, pioneering, innovative and open city spirit, but also gives Fuzhou people a broad mind. From Lin Zexu who was the first to "open eyes to look at the world" and Yan Fu and Lin Shu who "strove to save the world with numerous literary works", and from Shen Baozhen, the father of China's "ship administration", to Bing Xin who adhered to "love being everything", openness and tolerance have not only achieved Fuzhou's past, but will also create Fuzhou's future.
5. Innovative vitality inspired by "digital economy". "Moving eastward and southward, Fuzhou faces the sea". Riding on the "digital lucky boat", Fuzhou Binhai New City is standing at the forefront of the times. Relying on data institutions such as the Wanglong Network Company and the Digital Fujian Cloud Computing Center, it integrates VR experience, game and animation, cultural communication and educational services. A smart, innovative, fashionable and ecological Binhai New City is emerging.
III. Content and venue of the activity
Exhibition venue: Fuzhou Binhai New City public space.
Number of works: it is planned to openly collect 100 pieces of sculpture proposals for finalist works, and then select 50 outstanding works from 100 pieces of shortlisted works.
Publication of works: all shortlisted works will be collected and published as a collection of 2018 China·Fuzhou International Sculpture Exhibition Works.
IV. Collection of works
Types of work: outdoor sculpture, landscape installation artwork.
Work size: the volume is controlled between 2 and 5m, and the specific size can be adjusted appropriately according to the surrounding environment and production cost.
Scope of collection: professional artists and lovers with sculpture creation ability can participate individually or collectively, regardless of country, nationality, age and gender.
Form of collection: exhibition works are collected in a global and open manner by combining special invitation with extensive collection.
V. Selection of works as well as honors and awards
(I) Selection process
Appraising and election is adopted for work selection. The top 50 outstanding works are selected from the candidate works.
1. Finalists. The first round is paper manuscript selection. Experts in sculpture and related fields and leaders of provincial and municipal departments directly under the central government form an expert review group (with an actual number of 9) to strictly screen the plane schemes of the candidate works. The recommended list of the top 100 finalists will be determined by secret ballot based on the number of votes obtained. The organizer plans to officially announce the 100 finalists for the 2018 China·Fuzhou International Sculpture Exhibition (the publicity period is 7 days) to the public in October 2018 and accept the supervision of all sectors of society. The organizer will finalize the shortlist of works based on the publicity situation and will officially notify the award-winning authors. It will also request to make a sample of the final version of the work with a size about 80 cm (the sample of the final version of the work should not be made of fragile materials);
2. Outstanding works. In the second round, 50 outstanding works will be selected from 100 shortlisted works and publicized (the publicity period is 7 days).
(II) Honors and awards
Incentive fees for 50 outstanding works: 60,000/piece (RMB)* 50 pieces = 3 million yuan (including production fee for small samples of finalized works)
Incentive fees for 50 shortlisted works: 10,000 / piece (RMB)* 50 pieces = 500,000 yuan (including production fee for small samples of finalized works)
The award-winning sculptors, institutions and organizations will receive the honorary certificate issued by Fuzhou government. Their works and small samples will be permanently collected in Fuzhou city.
All expenses incurred by the applicants in the application process, as well as taxes on the awards and subsidies received by the winners, shall be borne by the applicants themselves.
VI. Processing and production of works
1. Finished sculpture works are mainly presented for exhibition. In other words, the sculptor himself is responsible for the processing, production and transportation of finished products. The organizer and the sculptor agree on the price and sign a contract requiring the sculptor to complete all the work within the specified time and transport the works to the designated place. The base (including foundation) of the work is completed by the New District Group.
2. If foreign sculptors cannot send their works to the exhibition or reach an agreement on the sculpture price, further inquiries will be made with sculpture factories about prices and sculptors will be invited to make on-site production (cost: 10,000 yuan subsidy for each piece of work).
The organizer and authorized unit of the Sculpture Art Exhibition shall have the right to use the award-winning works for promotion. The shortlisted works’ copyright and the finished products’ ownership belongs to the undertaker of the Sculpture Art Exhibition. Except for the payment of bonus according to the terms of this collection notice, the undertaker will not make any other payment such as remuneration or consideration to the winners.
VII. Schedule
Taking advantage of the favorable opportunity of Binhai New City construction, the Sculpture Art Exhibition, serving as an important cultural theme activity, strengthens the close ties with "digital China". To further enhance the influence and attraction of the activity, it is suggested that finished products be installed on the ground by March 15, 2019.
The specific schedule is as follows:
Announcement of collection is issued on July 26, 2018 (60 days)
Deadline for application is August 30, 2018
The first round of graphic design work is submitted before September 17, 2018
Preliminary evaluation on is carried out on September 27, 2018. 100 pieces of sculpture will be selected in the first round and publicized. (7 working days)
The samples of the second round of works are submitted by December 3, 2018 (subject to the time of receipt)
Final evaluation will be implemented on December 18, 2018. 50 outstanding works will be selected from 100 finalists and publicized (7 working days)
List of winners to be confirmed by December 30, 2018
Sculpture design and production contract signed by January 10, 2019
Finished product production completed by March 1, 2019
Finished product installation and site layout to be completed by March 15, 2019
VIII. Application and acquisition of collection documents
Any bidder who wishes to participate in the bidding should come to the special meeting group of the project to obtain the collection documents by recording from 8:30 on July 27, 2018 to 17: 00 on August 30, 2018 (Beijing time. Legal holidays are not included); the bidder shall provide the author's undertaking (attachment 1) and application form (attachment 2) when obtaining the collection documents, and will receive the electronic version of application receipt after successful application.
For Bidders outside Fujian province, if it is indeed inconvenient for them to get the collection documents at the site, they can mail the author's undertaking (attachment 1) and application form (attachment 2) to the special meeting group of the project and contact the staff by telephone. You will receive the electronic version of application receipt after successful application.
IX. Document submission requirements
The manuscript submitted in the primary election consists of paper document and electronic file.
1. Paper document: design renderings or color photos of works, each of which should be equipped with 4 pictures with different viewing angles such as front, back and both sides. A4 paper should be used for printing in color. The name and creative description of the works should be indicated. The measuring unit should be centimeters (cm). Mounting or binding is not allowed. To ensure fair selection, all works shall not be marked with information such as the author's name, unit and logo on the front page. The assembly work must have a clear installation drawing.
2. Electronic file: electronic pictures or photos of works shall not be less than 4M.
The documents required for this exhibition as well as all kinds of information and materials sent to the mailbox designated by the working group must be in Chinese or English. If two languages are used at the same time, Chinese shall prevail; if only English is used, the Chinese translation of the translation organization designated by the working group shall prevail.
X. Contact information
(I) Consultation hotline (working day): + 86 0591 88881355
+86 0591 88881366
(9: 00 a.m. - 12: 00 a.m., 15: 00 p.m. - 18: 00 p.m.)
(II) Mailing or express delivery of work information registration form and work manuscript receipt:
No. 1, Yuanyang Road, Jin'an District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China
Fuzhou Radio and Television Station Recipient: Wang Siyu
+86(0591) 8392 4814
(III) e - mail: fzbhxcdszjgzz@163.com
Attachment: 1. Author's undertaking
2. Application form
3. Application receipt
Fuzhou New District Development Investment Group Co., Ltd.
July 2018
Attachment 1: (No.: )
2018 Fuzhou Binhai New City Sculpture Collection Project
Author's Undertaking
I (hereinafter referred to as "the promisee") hereby promise the organizer the following regarding the eligibility for participation in the 2018 Fuzhou Binhai New City Sculpture Collection Project (hereinafter referred to as "Sculpture Collection"):
Article 1 The promisee undertakes that the work to be applied for is independently completed or created by him or her, and has not been built in any outdoor venue; the promisee has full and complete intellectual property rights to the bidding work submitted this time, is the legal owner of the bidding work, and will not infringe upon the legal rights and interests of any other person. Otherwise, once discovered, the organizer has the right to cancel his/her participation qualification. If the work has already been shortlisted or won, the organizer has the right to cancel its qualification for finalisation and winning, and to recover all the bonuses, subsidies and other payments already granted or paid.
Article 2 If the promisee is a legal person or any other organization, it shall promise that it has already reached an agreement with the original author of the bidding work on the attribution of intellectual property rights of the work through arrangements such as contracts, agreements or rules and regulations, so as to obtain the complete intellectual property rights of the bidding work.
Article 3 If the bidding work is created by the promisee together with others, the promisee shall promise that he/she has already reached an agreement with other creators of the bidding work on the attribution of intellectual property rights of the work through arrangements such as contracts and agreements and thus has obtained the complete intellectual property rights of the bidding work; however, if all creators participate in the application, they shall jointly sign this undertaking.
Article 4 If the bidding work become the shortlisted works of this Sculpture Art Exhibition in the future, the promisee agrees to irrevocably authorize the organizer of the Sculpture Art Exhibition to have the right to use the work for publicity and promotion, including but not limited to the use of pictures, text, newspapers, television, internet and other means. If the bidding work become the shortlisted works of this Sculpture Art Exhibition in the future, the promisee agrees to transfer the copyright of the work and the ownership of its finished products to the organizer of this Sculpture Art Exhibition free of charge on the premise of preserving the right of authorship of the work. The organizer can complete finished sculpture works in batches according to actual needs. Without the consent of the organizer, the promisee shall not use the bidding work for other collection activities, nor build or copy the bidding work in any other place.
Article 5 If the organizer and undertaker of this collection activity suffer any direct or indirect reputation loss or economic loss due to the participation of the promisee in this collection activity as well as his/her submission of the bidding work (regardless of whether the promisee has fault), the affected relevant units have the right to require the promisee to take adequate and appropriate measures to ensure that they are not affected by the above. The promisee shall compensate the relevant units for any direct or indirect reputation loss or economic loss incurred therefrom, including but not limited to bearing all direct or indirect losses incurred by the relevant units like attorney fees, legal fees, compensation fees, and shall put a notice in the newspaper to apologize to relevant units and eliminate the impact.
Article 6 If the promisee is invited to make a final sample of the three-dimensional sculpture, the organizer shall have the ownership of the sample from the date of submission of the sample.
Article 7 All disputes related to this activity shall be governed by the relevant laws of the People's Republic of China. If disputes cannot be settled through negotiation, they shall be brought to the people's court with jurisdiction in the domicile of the undertaking unit for settlement. The organizer has the final power to interpret this solicitation activity.
Article 8 This letter of commitment shall enter into force on the date when the promisee signs or seals it.
Promisee (signature):
Legal person or other organization (signature and seal):
Date of signature:
Attachment 2:
Application Form of
2018 Fuzhou Binhai New City Sculpture Collection
Number: ( this item is filled in by the working group office ) | ||||||||||||||
Name | Gender | Nation | Title |
Recent photo (please attach the electronic photo file to the email material separately) | ||||||||||
Name of the work | ||||||||||||||
Material | Design dimension ( cm ) | |||||||||||||
Certificate type ( please select ) □ ID card □ passport □ military official certificate □ other: Number: | ||||||||||||||
Nationality or region | Resident city | E-mail/QQ | ||||||||||||
Mailing address and postal code | ||||||||||||||
Telephone, fax: (including country (or region) and city area code ) | Tel: | |||||||||||||
Creative description of the work (within 200 words): | ||||||||||||||
Enlargement processing technology requirements, relevant data and completion environment requirements: | ||||||||||||||
Resume: Content requirements: date of birth, educational background, current place of work and information about major artistic activities ( including honors and awards) (please attach the electronic adjusted resume to the application email materials separately as required ) | ||||||||||||||
Instruction: 1. The information provided by the applicant is authentic and valid, and the bidding works do not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others. Applicants shall respect relevant detailed rules and regulations of the "2018 Fuzhou Binhai New City Sculpture Collection Project". Signature: Date of filing: |
Note: 1. please fill in the application form carefully and do not omit items.
2. This form can be downloaded and copied. Fill in one form for each work.